Louiston is a banner under which to assemble a range of trades steadily honed by Lou DiPietro over the course of years: guitarist, singer, songwriter, performer, and producer. Slick, seasoned guitar work, a pure and authentic voice, lyrics that matter, a deep DIY streak, and the production chops to make records on his own terms – these are what make Lou a one-man wrecking crew and one of the savviest, sharpest songwriters in upstate NY, and maybe beyond. With influences ranging from 90s-era “alternative” to the golden, vintage sounds of classic country, Lou mixes them all up into something fresh and uniquely his own – up-tempo, acoustic folk n’ roll, sometimes tender, sometimes caustic, but always human.
Rena Guinn is a singer songwriter based in Ithaca, NY. She has a sound that dances between country, blues, folk and something that is all her own. Raw, graceful, soft and sometimes edgy. Her lyrics speak to love, loss, hope and happiness. Her passion is rooted in singing and the vulnerability of sharing truth in her lyrics. Her acoustic guitar helps guide this creation and comes along for the ride. She just released her debut EP titled Shine. Heartfelt songs blessed with lots of incredible local talent backing her up.
JP Payton ( Freight, Easytigers) brings a set of road tested roots originals. Armed with a fiddle and acoustic guitar, Jp is a well travelled troubadour and an accomplished flat picker with a plaintively poetic and timeless voice. One part Norman Blake, one part Richard Buckner, JP is at home playing a G run in a string band, or riding tremolo in a psychedelic alt country outfit.