Heavy Cream: an evening of songs by Penelope Voss
With Special Guest Colleen Countryman
Penelope Voss is an Ithaca based singer, songwriter & gal-about-town. Heavy Cream is a sort-of-song-cycle composed mostly in 2023. These songs represent a time of change & period of grieving, they are a balm that brought joy to a sad woman through dark wintry evenings and brisk spring mornings. They are driven by piano and feature wide ranging treble melodies, and lyrics that cut to the quick. This will be the public premiere of Heavy Cream in its current form, a one woman performance poured from one heart to all of its friends (old & newly discovered).
Colleen Countryman is an Ithaca based pianist, vocalist, professor of physics, and general badass. She will be performing original songs and covers in a rare solo set. She can be found around town this summer performing with other local musicians such as Ariel Arbisser and Louiston.
Monday, June 26th, doors at 6:30, music from 7-9:30
Cover: pay what you wish (suggested $10)