7 God is the project of Ithaca-based experimental DJ and conceptual artist Mustafa Seven Ali, founder and creator of Spiel Rein Aesthetic Observatory, Spiel Rein Artists' Collective, and Sign@l To Noise. His eclectic mix of death, drone, funeral, sludge, stoner, and traditional doom metal has been termed KUVEN SLUDGE because of its esoteric occult references and undertones. Inspired by Antoni Maiovvi's Occult Devotional Electronics project, 7 God exists as a means for evoking the Kantian sublime via artistic and spiritual expression. Highlighting heavy bass tones and low frequencies below 100 Hz that reverberate throughout the body, Kuven Sludge is 7 God's spin on EBM--electronic body music--something he refers to as "effraction body music." Situating the body as listening device, this contemporary manifestation of EBM champions the idea of listening with one's entire body rather than just one's ears, thereby emphasizing the sheer physicality of the sub-bass register.